- The primary project goal is to raise enough funds to pay for the costs of either constructing a new library space or re-designing an existing space, furnish it with adequate shelving, tables, chairs, and basic library supplies.
- Collection of new and used books appropriate and relavent to the children in Ogongo Combined School, grades 1 thru 11. Shipment of collected books to the school is very costly and will need funding as well.
- Organization and set-up of the library, once the library space is established. There are tentative plans from the Ministry of Education in Namibia to fund the construction of a new library building 2-3 years from now. This new information has lead us to the decision that it would be most beneficial to get a working library established in a temporary space and to focus our efforts on organization of the books and resources that we have received.
asked if we would be willing to use some of the library fund to purchase a
photocopy machine to be used by the staff. Our priority is the library, but we
have decided that the copy machine is a valuable resource for the teachers
and we are planning to help with that purchase.